• Learning needs?
o What are my learning needs?
For telecommunication and networking engineering, I have to have background of education and training/entrance requirements. In addition, I should get knowledge, skills and attributes in this job. For example:
· Course list in telecommunication and networking engineering need:
(Reference: RMIT university 2010, Program guide, pp. 74-75)
- Advanced Network Engineering
- Antennas for mobile and satellite communication
- Data and Internet Transmission Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
- Microwave Circuits
- Mobile and Personal communication systems engineering
- Network Engineering
- Network Planning and Performance
- Optical Fiber Communication Systems
- Optical Fiber Technology
- Project Preparation, Planning and Problem Solving
- Radar Systems
- Satellite Communication Systems Engineering
· Education background need:
(Reference: Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development, available from< http://www.trainingwa.wa.gov.au/careercenter > viewed 24 March 2011.
- Diploma in communication systems and networks
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and communication Engineering)
- Master of Engineering (Telecommunication and networking)
- good organizational skills
- a logical approach to problem solving
- to enjoy technical and engineering activities
- to be able to keep up-to-date with rapid technological developments
- to be able to work as part of a team
o What can I use to help me identify my learning needs?
I can use some guide line of requitement in this position from website or book to check what is the back group‘s requited, education, skill and knowledge. Moreover, the course list in this degree of institution can be help to checking.
• Skills development.
o What technical skills do I need to develop?
I finished bachelor degree in telecommunication engineering so I got basic and knowledge about some skill that I need to learn in the position. However, I have to complete some technical skill such as Advanced Network Engineering, Antennas for mobile and satellite communication, Data and Internet Transmission Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Microwave Circuits, Network Engineering, Network Planning and Performance, Radar Systems. However, I am going to learn master degree for improve my knowledge and skill in the high education so it will help me can get a good job in this position.
o What personal (non technical) skills do I need to develop?
I need to develop personal skills about good organizational skills because everything will be successes if you have a good organization and it helps you know step by step when you have to response in job. Moreover, I have to improve about logical approach to problem solving that it very importance to solve problem in job.
However, the personal skill about thinking and organize is important to plan and working but the skill about working in team is very important too because every project is the best if we got the many idea and working from many people.
o How can I gain the skills that I need?
For the technical skill I can get form apply course to learning and improve this skill. Moreover, Book and internet (website, blog and networking) can help to get this skill but the personal skill should be practice by you. However, all of skill should be practice and try to learning new detail every time.
o What courses can I take to help me achieve these skills?
- Certificate or Diploma in IT
- Certificate or Diploma in telecommunication
- Master degree in telecommunication and networking engineering
o Who can assist me in determining what skills I need?
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